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Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to write Chemistry Papers

How to write Chemistry research papers, Term Papers & Thesis

The vast majority of research papers and term papers in chemistry are written in ACS style which is the official style of the American Chemical Society. Some papers also follow the CSE/CBE Style although style varies according to the length and type of paper.

Chemistry involves the study of the interaction between chemical substances which are made up of atoms. Atoms are combined to form ions, molecules as well as crystals. Chemistry is a fundamental part of the science curriculum at the early college level and is often called “general chemistry” and is intended to give a basic idea of the major concepts in chemistry that provide students with the necessary tools and skills.

A research paper or term paper in chemistry is similar to any other college subject in that an author is required to define a clear definite purpose explaining why the research is being conducted, a proper thesis and a clearly referenced literature part. Additionally, a research or term paper in chemistry is expected to provide evidence supporting the thesis in the shape of graphs, tables as well as figures. In writing research papers in chemistry, the standard writing format is usually followed starting with an abstract followed by a introduction, explanation of the purpose of the paper, results obtained followed by discussion and conclusion parts. Experimental details should usually be avoided in these parts of the paper. Providing an accurate bibliography at the end of the paper is also important.

Passive voice construction is generally the best tone to write a custom term paper unless your lecturer or supervisor provides instructions that ask otherwise. Abbreviations should be explained when they are first used in the paper and any tables or illustrations used in the paper should be referenced in-text. Acronyms and abbreviations should be explained the first time you use them while tables, graphs, and figures must be referenced in the text.

When writing a chemistry paper, one thing that needs to be remembered is that the main purpose id to analyze the results and provide evidence on how the results correlate with the conclusions you present. The basic purpose of a paper is to convince the audience that the conclusions you provide are accurate and proven by research and experiments. It is worth examining a few articles and papers in chemistry and see how they are structured and presented.

The subject is mostly concerned with the properties of atoms as well as the principles that govern their combinations and how knowledge regarding these properties is used to achieve desired results. Chemistry also involves the utilization various substances occurring naturally and also creation of artificial substances. Chemistry has been responsible for creating vinyl, Teflon, semiconductors, liquid crystals as well as superconductors. With the use of sophisticated tools, modern chemistry studies the behavior and properties of things at the atomic level and as complex as the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Over eight million natural and artificial substances different chemical substances have been identified to date.

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