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Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Stop Being Shy

How to Stop Being Shy
Do you think that you are unable to enjoy good things in life just because you are shy? It's time you set yourself free and stop being shy. In this article we provide you with some suggestions on how to stop being shy. All of us deserve to be able to enjoy life without being bothered about anything. However, those who are shy hold themselves back from doing so. If you really want to stop being shy, it is very important that you come out of your shell and try to be yourself. You have to make an effort from your side to meet new people. By sitting at home or in a secluded place you cannot expect people to come and befriend you. You have to have an attitude of positive thinking and go out towards other.

Ways on How to Stop Being Shy?

For an introvert person, shyness can be an inherent personality trait. However, it can be reduced to some extent by taking certain steps. Here, we have discussed them in detail.

Improve your Self-esteem
Try to figure out the root cause of your shyness. Basically, there are two major reasons that make a person shy. One, they are extremely self conscious about themselves. As a result, they tend to put a lot attention on whether they are behaving in the right manner or not. Two, they have a tendency to have a negative attitude about themselves. They tend to feel that there is nothing interesting about themselves, and are not worth anyone's attention. Both these factors make them very nervous and they withdraw themselves in a cocoon. All of us have our own set of strengths and weaknesses. Understand your strong points and keep your focus on them. Accept the fact that there is nothing wrong to be different, and make sure you appreciate yourself the way you are. Spend some more time in improving your physical appearance. It makes a lot of difference in your self confidence. When you look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about yourself, then you can feel more confident about yourself while approaching a person, known or unknown.

Practice Conversation
There is an old saying that practice makes a man perfect. As you are a shy person, you are aware that you are not good in conversations with people, but you can make it better by practicing more and more. To start with, stand in front of the mirror, think of a subject on which you can speak comfortably and practice speaking to yourself. It may sound really silly, but it works. Then take the help of a good friend who can help you in this regard. Both of you can role-play to make yourself easier with conversation. Then go out and meet strangers and strike a conversation. Initially, you can approach people in some quiet places, book stores or coffee shop, as they will be easily approachable than people who are in a loud party. Observe others who are good conversation starters. It could be one of your friend or a stranger in the party. Now you are ready to go to crowded places with friends. Approach any such person who is standing aloof in the crowd. A one-on-one conversation is much easier than speaking in a group. Once you start a conversation, you will find your nervousness is gone. As you meet more and more people, you can ascertain the kind of people you are comfortable with.

Learn to Relax
Those who are shy find it very difficult to communicate with others as they feel anxiety and a lot of discomfort in doing so. They often have a hidden fear that they may speak something really stupid and will get humiliated. They often fail to decide what to say. You can overcome the fear of rejection by preparing your mind for the worst possible consequences. If you are ignored by someone, do not take it personally. Move on and you will find more interesting people in your life. In a large crowd, if you feel that the shyness is taking control of your senses, shift your attention on other things around you. This will prevent you from being self conscious.

Anxiety and fear are emotions that are difficult to suppress. The most simple method to get rid of anxiety is to learn the techniques of relaxation. Close your eyes and focus all your attention on your breathing. Keep the rhythm of breathing slow and after sometime, you will find that all your anxious thoughts are gone. Practice of yoga and meditation can also help you in controlling the anxiousness forever. Other exercises such as walking and jogging also helps in refreshing the mind and release of tension.

You should stop being shy of meeting people and start conversation with them. It is also very essential for achieving your personal goals and flourishing in life. It can help you to bring out your hidden talent that lies within you.
By Bidisha Mukherjee
Published: 8/28/2009

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